Wednesday, January 7, 2009

From Jackie.....

Written by Jackie...Re-Posted by Me (with permission)

Have a FINE 2009!

Nov 22, 2008 4:35 PM

When did the government take over raising us? And our children?Remember "It takes a Village?" Bull Hockey! It takes Two Parents and Family to raise a child... I don't need a "village" to help raise my kids and if you do then maybe you don't need kids...

When did the government start owing us a living?

We are quick to say change has to come from the top down or from the schools. Have we really become so lazy that we don't even want to raise our own children? Or provide for our ownselves that we must rely on the Govt to take care of us? How Sad is that?

We will fight for the rights of animals, trees and argue about global warming, we still argue if President Bush was elected or selected. (Wonder if that will still be happening for McCain in the next 4 years?) Yet we will let people be killed who only want to be free (Iraq). We will kill over money or sue someone over a pair of pants to make a point or quick buck.

When did we as Americans lose our way? It is NOT the Governments JOB to provide YOU with a Living or anything else for that matter. When people start expecting Uncle Sam to provide for them then we are in a world of trouble and I do believe we are and until this country remembers how to stand up for themselves and stop expecting someone else to fork over to them then nothing is going to change... its only going to get worse.

Socialism- political system of communal ownership…. A movement based on principles advocating an end to private property and to the exploitation of workers.