Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
War of Win, War of Right or was it your left hand.....

War of Win, War of Right or was it your left hand
I know we have all had them, those days when your not sure if your homicidal or suicidal. Then there is the straw, we too have all heard, the one that broke the camels back.
What about that day nothing stayed where your hand left it, your hand left the keys on the Kitchen Cupboard, as it does every weekday your feet step through the back Gally door, your mind recalls vividly, as your hand was resting the keys upon the counter your ears could hear those every other day words by your Spouse to go pickup some milk, the convenient store will be fine, were the words that pierced your ears, having passed there no less than twice a day five out of seven days in a week, it was at least 7.75 miles, two stops and a residential area road that was heavily over populated four/forty home subdivision earlier and had been under construction for at least two of the five year the County had been installing an over due sewer system, the car got me back with the three convenient store stop a week half gallon milk that the refridgerator ran low on, time passed on the Mantle as my stomach fell more hungry, hoping the stove top could finish preparing my belly a meal, afterall my head had to get in bed at a decent hour, staying up late wasn't good for it, at last the stove finished cooking and as my ass sat down to feed my gut my right hand reached for the drink my throat had to have and it came back with the keys I know my left hand laid on the cupboard.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Spill proof drink
If you look close at the photo you will see she didn't spill her drink. I should be ashamed of taking this photo. My camera was in my hand. It was almost like a natural reflex. My NAWIC sister beside me whose Husband happens to be a Lawyer saw me take it, he stated that "it could be a good thing, it may be needed later"....
I saw her fall backwards and I it shouldn't be so funny to me but we were all in our Formals....bless her heart...I have no idea what her name is or for that matter the gentleman that helped her out of the bushes, as I kept my distance. Afterall, I am certain I could be heard miles away laughing.
Mom said she gave birth to me while laughing at my Grandmother (for falling)....
I guess I came by it naturally....
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
every name but mine....
Thats my Mom on the passenger side. My Aunt Doris in the driver's seat.
Sisters, I didn't grow up with any girls around my house, other than the preacher's daughter next door. She was much older, more wise too.
At times we would hit the trail between houses and look for grape vine. Dried grape vine, take out out matches and strike a smoke...
I bet the trail still holds tail of those times, just in time for fall. I would love to hit that old trail and strike up a dried grape vine for old times sake, after all it's been at least 35 years, as far as I know it is still my Daddy's family land.
I miss that place, its home.